LeOpportunity’s team has decades of experience in journalism and media, consulting and corporate communications, as well as outdoor adventure and education.

Our instructors live and work in a diverse group of cities, towns and landscapes — from Philadelphia, Boston and New York to Jackson Hole, Santa Fe and Seattle. Many have worked internationally for extended periods, allowing LeOpportunity to provide regional, national and international insights and perspectives in our seminars.

Our instructors’ interactive and experiential approach ensures that every seminar participant has the opportunity to learn and improve their skills, together with members of their team, in a supportive environment.

Each instructor’s passion for teaching is gleaned from a diverse set of experiences — everything from climbing the corporate ladder, planting a bumper crop, publishing articles in the nation’s most prominent newspapers and magazines to leading wilderness expeditions.

Contact us today so that your company can begin to Live Every Opportunity in the boardroom or in the backcountry.

Our clients include:

The Poynter Institute
News University

We teach original webinars on email management and business writing for The Poynter Institute’s News University.

The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Wharton MBA Writing Coach

We taught Wharton MBA students how to write with clarity, focus, and in a conversational style so that they’re poised to deliver first-rate memos, email, reports, and presentations. We worked with each student, one-on-one, to sharpen their prose, develop their voice, and strengthen their writing skills.